Antons Černovs
- Visceral therapy, organ functional disorders,
- Bone and muscle system rehabilitation,
- Pre- and post-season preparation for athletes,
- Therapeutic, sports massage, and manual therapy,
- Treatment and prevention of neurological disorders,
- Development of progressive body development training programs
Franciska Albertoviča
- Posture correction,
- Visceral therapy,
- Breathing correction,
- Aromadiagnostics,
- Nervous system restoration,
- Postpartum recovery,
- Reduction of headaches, chronic pain, swelling, and energy deficiency
Stefānija Strausa
- Posture correction,
- Post-injury recovery,
- Working with back pain,
- Myofascial - trigger point massage,
- Strengthening deep muscles
Artūrs Kalniņš
- Body weight control,
- Muscle strengthening,
- Posture correction,
- Strength & endurance development,
- Training for beginners.
Edgars Nikolajevs
- General physical preparation,
- Posture correction,
- Strengthening of deep functional muscles,
- Basics of hand-to-hand combat & Krav Maga
Betija Kalniņa
- Weight loss,
- Strength training,
- Bodyweight training,
- Deep muscle testing,
- Training for beginners